Saturday, January 19, 2013



 In swimming lessons at a place called Paww, we have 8 lanes. The higher lane, the more advanced. If you go to lane 8 and go up again in Bronze, you go to silver which is in the same pool but at a different time, lane 1. If you pass silver its gold. If you pass that, then senior. That is the last one. I was in Bronze, lane 5 for a long, long time. Then finally I changed to the advanced group of Bronze, lane 8. I skipped 6 and 7. Now I'm almost in silver! Once I am in silver, I will not be able to go down. In bronze, I skipped lanes 1,2,6, and 7. I skipped half! The reason why they put me in lane 8 instead of 6 or 7 was because there were all girls in those lanes. Now, I am on my 5th day.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas present

Christmas Present: Super Paper Mario: How to play:

Hold the Wii remote sideways. Press 2 on the Wii remote to jump. Hold 2 to make a big jump. Press
The side on the arrows is what you press to move. The up part of the arrow to go through door or talk to someone. Press down to duck or go in a pipe if you are on top of one.
      Point at the screen when you start to you Tippi, a helper you get. The first pixl that you get is used to carry stuff and throw stuff by pressing 1. In fact, all of the pixls you get all need you to press 1. You press 1 to also get things from far away like a key or a button. The second pixl you get can blow up enemies or cracks in the walls if there is one. You can press 1 again to make it blow up faster. Press a when you've got that ability to turn 3D. The third one is used to be invisible and invincible until you press 1 again or move. When you move, you are thin. The forth one is used by pressing 1 to use and press 1 again on a enemy to paralyze it. Press 1 on a white crack to make something come out. The fifth one is used to make you tiny. Press 1 again to go back to normal size again. The first optional one is Barry which will make a spike shield around you for a second. The second optional pixl is Carrie which you can jump on to make you faster and can ride on water, spikes and spiked enemies. The third optional pixl is Piccolo which can play music for a while. The fourth optional one is Dashell which makes you go even faster than on Carrie by holding 1 as you move.
      Peach is another character you get and can hold 2 and glide and the air after jumping and slows down falling. Peach can press down to use her invincibility powers but can only be used on the ground and if you hold it you can't move and makes it longer. For the last character you get, hold down long enough to make an enormous jump.