Tuesday, November 19, 2013



To play glickleball, you need 6 people lined up in 2 rows. 3 people in the back and 3 people in the front. The middle person in the back row gets to serve on 1 team. Before you serve, say the score or you lose the point. When you serve, you serve the tennis ball with your tennis racket and underhand. You let it bounce before you hit or throw it into the air and hit it before it touches the ground. There's a net in the middle when you play. The ball has to go over the net.
 The ball can only bounce once on your side and you can hit the ball(not serving) as many times with the same racket. If the ball bounces twice on your team's side or is out of the court you lose the point. The same person serves until their team loses the point. The first team to get to 25 points wins. If the server loses the point, the team passes the ball to the other team. The other team rotates so that the people in the front row move left or right and the back row moves the opposite. The front row person moves back when it can't move any further. The back row person moves forward when it can't move any further.

Glickleball Master

 When we were playing Glickleball at school, I got about 20 points for my team and won serving over and over again! The score was 2,6 when I served(say your team's score first). It was 22,6 when I screwed up(my team mates missed the ball because of the double bounce rule. We won 25,7.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

River City Summer Camp

 River City Summer Camp

 I go to the river city summer camp every week day. I got 4 friends there: J.T., Alex, Gorie, and Adarsh. It is a sports camp.
 First, we have free play. We have a Foosball table. During free play, Alex and I usually play something like Monopoly or Uno. J.T. always watches TV.
 I already got their phone numbers. I got Alex's house number so I can go to his house some day. Gorie and Alex have my house number so they can come some day too.
 Next, we have gym time. We do knock out. We also do our exercises and stretches. That's my least favorite thing by the way.  After that, we go outside and do a sport. It's usually hot outside. It's usually kickball, baseball, soccer, or capture the flag. Then, we play last man standing and have lunch. We can bring our water bottles. I bring Gatorade(sports drink) though.

Super Smash Bros Brawl made up game

  There's a game called super smash bros. brawl. I'm putting the steps on my made up game on there.
1. Go to the "group" section
2. Press "special brawl"
3. Turn on stamina and flower(flower is optional)
4. Choose your character
5. Put 3 other CPUs to battle with(or other players)
6. Put the HP all to 300(you can do team if you want)
7. Put the levels(if CPUs or players(player makes up levels)) to 9(highest level)
8. Play the game once and look at the places(example: 2,4,3,1(think of it in your mind))
9. The HP goes down the place they got(if 2,4,3,1, you move P1 2 down, P2 4 down, P3 3 down, and P4 only 1 down because you got 1st place)
Other: if the HP goes past 1 HP, you go down a whole level and move back to 300(count remaining left).
 If a guy goes lower than level 1 and 1 HP, you are out of the whole game and the last one in wins the whole game. If you totally tie and it says 2 of a number like in "2,4,2,1" then  you still move down the same number it says. Plus no cheating like restarting a match. Questions are in the comments section.