Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chess Games

Chess games

There are two chess games I know. There are Bunkhouse and Suicide chess. But you have to know how to play chess. Either read chess books,  get chess CDs, or look at my websites.
After you know, you can play these chess games. I hope you enjoy or understand everything in stuff that can help you. If you don't, ask me in a comment. I'll answer it.

Bunkhouse: What you need:

  • Two sets of chess boards
  • Two sets of pieces
  • Four people

Bunkhouse: How to play:

Choose a team mate. You two sit by each other. With two people playing with each other and two people on one board and two on the other, whoever takes a piece first gives it to the other person and he or she puts it aside. When it's their turn, they can put it where ever they want. They don't have to use it but they should. Whoever wins first on one of the boards wins the whole game and the other persons game who finishes second doesn't count.

Suicide chess: How to play:

It's suiciding!! Do whatever you want to suicide! But you have to take a piece if you can. Even the king! No saying checks or checkmates. Just take the king if you can. If you take their king you have to take the other pieces too before you lose. If you don't have possible moves ever, it's a win for you if you have less pieces. It's a draw if your both even. It's a lose for you if you have more pieces than the other person.

Invisible Chess: Introduction:

Keep in mind that I made this up. You can change the rules a bit if you want at home. Have fun!

How to play:

You play regular chess but all the pieces start off the board. If you move a piece, you put it on the board where you want to move that piece from the side of the board. If someone makes an illegal move, you could start from the time they move there or just simply start the game over if you or your opponent can't remember the time.


This makes blind chess a lot easier. As you go on with your game, it'll be easier and easier. As soon as all the invisible pieces moved, it's basically regular chess. This is also one step towards blind chess so it's good practice if you can't do blind chess.

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