Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chess Trophies

I have 4 1st places, 3 2nd places, 2 3rd place trophies, and 1 7th place chess trophy.

Chess tournament

I went to a chess tournament in Washington middle school at 9:00. I went there and I had my first round. I versed an 846. My rating said 812 not 875 from my last tournament if you've read the chess tournament before this one. I won that game, upsetting.
Next, I played a 101, at the end you'll know something special about that rating. I won again of course because if I lost or drew which is a tie, I would lose a LOT of rating.
Then, I versed a 961, more than 100 more than mine if you calculate it. But unfortunately, for him, he resigned also known as forfeit which mean they automatically lose but he changed his mind. Once we started again, I made a HUGE mistake and thought I was going to lose but I said that you resigned. He said that he changed his mind so he raised his hand. Once the director came, he argued with him and I listened but the director said that you can't change your mind so I reported I won THAT game too. Cool right? So I won three games, one left.
After that, I played a 680. I couldn't believe I STILL couldn't lose or draw or else I would lose a lot of rating. The same director explained the resign thing to everyone and the player sacrificed a couple pieces and thought it was a trap but none of them were traps. She won 8 points and traded queens but I still had more points so at the end I won.
Every time I finished a round I went outside and raced with my mom and she got head starts because I was faster and the last time I talked with the coach and he said I was the champion. Two other people said that they won all the games too. I listened to the trophies and 5th grade which is my grade, 1st place wasn't me. Then I listened more and another 1st place was me. My mom took 4 pictures of me.
Finally, I went home with my first place hugest trophy.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I put on my costume and joined my friend. He was with another friend. I started and met my other friend. I continued until I went to my other friend's house. I went with my three friends until we hid when we ding donged. But one of them fell into this circle that was sharp and his head was bleeding. He got took home and another guy was took home. A guy came and we lost a guy. And the other guy went home so I was alone. I went to one more house and went to my own house.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

chess tournament

On the chess tournament at hult, a place where we have chess club every friday, Saturday, I won the first person that had 942 rating and I had 806 the whole time. Then I lost against a 1109. I lost again against a 1250. I then won the last game that was 806 vs. 672 and I won in 58 moves. I finally got seventh place because of the "upset"(also known as win a higher rated player). I got a trophy and got from 806 to 875!^_^

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Top three worst nightmares

1. First, It all started when I was at my house. I was looking out the window when I saw an animal two teeth on the very side super long touching the grass! That scared me really badly. It was going back and forth waiting for anything that passes by and eat it! I was thinking it would see me so I moved away and tried to spy on it and peeked through the corner the window only trying to study it. I stopped and went away, closed the window I was peeking through hoping I wouldn't get spotted. The whole school was at my house for some reason and I told them about the animal and to be quiet. They got weapons ready and I was shaking to much and too scared as we walked to the door. I was too worried. The principal of my school asked "do you want to do the pledge of alliegence first?" I totally said yes because I wanted time to go slower. After we were done I got too scared I wanted to cry. We got outside and I decided to stay in because of my scaredness. I looked out the corned of the window. I figured out from the dark that was THE WORST NIGHTMARE EVER!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Swimming games

The swimming games are: Sharks and Minos, Cannon ball, and Swimming Freeze Tag. The Relay Races are: Free Relay, Back Stroke Relay, Butterfly Relay, Breath Stroke Relay, Doggie Paddle Relay, Snowball Relay, waterfall and ? Relay.

Swimming games: Sharks and Minos:

You start with at least two people.

Sharks and Minos: How to play:

At least one shark is in the middle. The other(s) are at the side standing at the very edge of the pool getting ready to jump/dive/slide in. They're all on the same side. When shark(s) or coach(es) shout "All Minos under!" The minos jump/dive/slide in. If the minos get touched on the head, they turn into a shark. But if some/one survive, Next time they get to go back after the coaches/sharks say "All minos under after they climb out from the other side. The last mino living wins. My record is when there are three people left I die. If no one gets to the other side and everyone dies they tie. Keep playing.

Swimming games: Cannon ball:

You need at least two players and two judges. Keep playing.

Cannon ball: How to play:

If your first, kick your butt as you jump in the water, yelling "CANNON BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as loud as you can while making the biggest splash and you win the game if you do. The other(s) go after you in line. If it's a tie just try again.

Tip: Try to be as heavy and loud and don't waste your voice so you can win better. Scream it as loud as ever! Keep Playing.

Swimming freeze tag: How to play:

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My most adventures and best weekend ever!

Includes: My best and first birthday party I remember and My most unluckiest chess tournament ever.

My most adventures and best weekend ever!

It all started on Friday after school. I went home and put down my book bag.
My big adventures started when I went to my friends house until it was about 2:00pm when my other friend played with me at my home and after he left, I had a party at my other friend's home. After that we got back and we drove to Chicago. It was 11:00 so we slept 1 hour later.

My most unluckiest chess tournament ever: Story

12:00 pm was my most unluckiest chess tournament ever. When we got there, my rating was 759 at the start. Rating means the same thing as rated people have ratings. When you lose a game in a tournament where you lost to a guy that has lower rating you, you lose a lot. I played in the under 1200s but above 700's and that's how I was unlucky. People will always have higher rating then me. The first round I faced a person that had 1023 rating. I won a knight then lost a knight and bishop then it was a king and a knight vs. a pawn, bishop king and knight. I took his bishop then he promoted a pawn into a queen, the strongest piece then won my knight and at the end I had only my king vs. his knight and queen. He accidentally forced me to have no more moves I could make and it was a draw, a tie. The next round I played someone 983, almost 1000 and lost because of her queen only. The next round was a person that's rating was 684. I made a queen mistake and a rook mistake because nobody did this opening to me before and it was a good one. He won with a rook and queen. The next round I faced a person that's rating was 1 thousand something. He did the Sicilian Defence. My brother plays it and he's good at using it. It was king and rook: me vs. king, rook and bishop. I took his bishop for free and a couple moves later we agreed for draw. The last round I faced a person that's rating was 1014. I lost because I trapped my king on accident and checked me which was checkmate because I trapped my king when he was winning by only one point. We got back one hour late for a party that started 6:00pm. I finished dinner and played until 9:00pm. I only played for one hour and thirty minutes because I thought the party was over because my brother told me he thought it was and called me upstairs for 10 minutes or so. I went to sleep and the next day was my birthday party.

My best and first birthday party I remember: Story, ending of My most adventures and best weekend ever!!!(~_~)(sad face)

After all the people came, we started taking turns on playing the game I was playing. After I ate cake, we played the same game again. Then we ate pizza. I played the zombie game we made up at Fridays party. I'll post zombie games later. We played a different zombie game at my birthday party though. I went upstairs from the basement and changed a game to a level I was stuck on. They didn't beat it at all even at the end. They didn't get anything for me new I didn't get before. When there was one person left, he kept trying but thought it was too hard, harder than he thought. He tried different levels but they were too hard too. It was no use. His mother came and he still wanted to play. He still didn't make any progress. After that, he kept trying the level I was stuck on, beat his record but then died. Next, my Mom wanted me to send him home. I was happy to walk him home. We saw a dead frog on the driveway/sidewalk. Poor frog. I talked with my friend until we got home. His Mom wanted to give me some banana bread. He wanted to play basketball for a little while. So we went and after ten minutes or so, he wanted to leave already. Although I wanted to play a little longer, I sent him home anyway because he wanted to go home. I totally forgot about the banana bread that his mother had to remind me she wanted to give it to me. I came in and played with the balloons I had given everyone. I had given everyone a few balloons. The bread was hot and his mother said it was hot and it had no nuts. Now I went  home carefully and slowly with the banana bread (ending).

Might not know words

Might not know words:

Words that you might not know are Italic: like this: hi.

Monday, July 23, 2012

PJ Star First Swimming Meet

On Saturday, July 21st, I went to a swimming meet at Peoria Central Pool, Paww.

On the car ride, I ate one bagel and some water.  After we got there my mom took a long time to park the car. I changed and didn't know where to go.

Then someone walked me to the coach and said that I had to go to the deep pool without lanes to do warm ups. After that, I got a tag for my bag. A coach told me to bring my bag outside not in my locker so I did.

I asked the coach with only relays because I didn't know what the coach knew about me: relays or events or anything because it was my first meet. I was only in free relay. I asked what was my first relay. It was event 8.

I laid my towel on the ground and rested there bored until it was my event. I took off my wet underwear I was wearing. I didn't notice because my Mom told me to take off my pants and put on my swim suit at 6:30 in the morning.

I went outside because a coach told me to. I waited until I had to sit on the bleachers and waited for my name to be called. Once it was I kind of knew that I was in lane 8.

After we went inside and dove, It was free style. I ended a 50y in 50 minutes. After that I asked the coach what was my next event. It was 12. I got Gatorade and water. I barely drank anything when my next event 12 was already there and was late when they called me that time. I was doing back stroke. I repeated the steps. My time was 1:05. I went to the coach and they told me that it was event 16. I knew it was counting by 4s. I went back to my towel. The next was short too but after I went to the bathroom, the coach told me to go outside. I was in lane 6 now and breath stroke. I dove and my goggles covered my eyes mostly and I didn't put my head back in for 1 25y. But the last few strokes I did and finished finally. My time was 1:06, 1 second slower than back stroke. I got to the coaches and they said my final event event was event 30, free relay. I could take a long break. I always focused on the only thing I could do, drink.

After I was almost done with my Gatorade, I poured water into my Gatorade and Gatorade into my water making it orange. Then I poured water into my Gatorade bottle, filling it. I kept doing that until I finished the water bottle. I poured almost all the Gatorade into the water bottle. The Gatorade bottle was bigger so that happened. I drank all the left over Gatorade. I poured the Gatorade into the Gatorade bottle. And soon figured out I made my own timer 7 seconds long. I kept and kept playing with it with another person and after we spilled, I got more water and played with it and eating crackers with two people and the relay begun. I made a flip turn and hit the lane line and slowly kept swimming until I got there. I finished the relay and changed into my clothes and left finally.

I changed my 92 mistakes after I finished.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Goofy chess tournament games

I learned three new goofy games!

Random chess:

Keep everything in place except the 1st and 8th rank: Black: 8th and white: 1st. Now play real chess in the set up position. You can set it up the normal way if you want to be boring.

Pawn Game:

Use the normal rules except you start with only all the pawns in their starting places and the king.

Rock, Paper, Scissors chess:

Play normal and all pieces where they start. But except you do rock, paper, scissors. Whoever wins goes first. Then keep doing rock, paper, scissors until you win or lose. If a person gets in check, they have to move without doing rock, paper, scissors. Then continue doing rock, paper scissors.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Swimming at YMCA again!

First I changed and went in to the pool. I walked to my dad and back while racing. I won by a lot cuz I got a head start cuz my dad thought I was slower cuz I usally lost.  I walked to the middle of the pool when I didn't even notice my dad was following me. I kept going back and forth until I went for 10 big dives then I was done. I walked back and forth again until it was 2:00. My brother was already taking a shower and we took a shower, dried, dressed and left.

The End

Monday, June 25, 2012

Keyboard game

Guessing Keys skills:

Curser ends here. 9+ASDFGHJKL;'
I typed the whole keyboard across without the f1-f12. You can do one only or any number across or down. It doesn't have to be in order. Do anything you want. But before you do that, the other people or person guess what it will be then write it down. whoever gets it right wins. If nobody wins then the person who typed it wins.  But be sure to make it hard.  Keep playing.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My friend's birthday Party

My friend Kurt invited me to his birthday party. We went to the Nature center for the party. After I got there, we touched the animals. They were turtles and snakes. Turtles: one has a domed shell(big) and one had a flat shell(small). Can You guess which one was a turtle and which one was a tortoise. Add a comment if you know. Say no if you don’t. I will tell you if you don’t. You can also guess. Snakes: I saw a big snake and a small one. I don’t know which snake is which. Next, we went for a hike in the woods. We kept talking. Once we met poison ivy, we stopped and said that it was. There were two rules: no passing the birthday boy or the person who was guiding us. Another was not to touch anything. Once we came back, we ate his cake. Finally, we got the goodie bags and left. Answer to turtles:

Flat: turtle Domed: Tortoise

Swimming at YMCA

You probably know that Y-M-C-A is a song. I went there and I changed because I was swimming. After that, I saw my mom and Dad sitting on a chair. I wore sunscreen from my mom and I went in the pool. I showed my dad a flip and my dad told me to swim a lap after I practiced flipping. I swam three whole laps in the huge pool. I back flipped the whole way trough and back when my mom left. Then I went to the diving pool and dove around 28 times! I didn't get to finish my "Ten high dives" that I almost did for fun. I did 8/10 when an announcement said, "now is the time only adults can swim for 10 minutes." Then I showed my dad a double flip and took a shower. Finally, I left. Sorry it was so short.

Card Games

Card Games: Dominion

Most people don't know this rare game. Get Dominion at
They have instructions.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lakeview Museum Chess Tournament

This is not for multiple days unlike the other tournament. When I got there, I payed them 10 dollars and registered for the tournament that my parents didn't register for earlier. Then I waited for the first round to start. When the pairings were up, I played someone that was easy and won. The next round I played someone that was almost double the rating I have, 600 to 1100. I almost won but I made a little mistake and drew. I told the coaches. The next round I lost by back row mate. We then ate lunch and I ate two pizzas. I took sprite that my dad gave me with me. I missed part of the last round and I was supposed to play white but he went already when I came back. He played white. The time on the clock was 30:00 to 27:36. He took my rook and saved his knight. He moved a piece to a square and released the piece and when I wasn't looking he carried it and was thinking where to move it from the starting place of the piece and just about to move it to a different square, LUCKILY, I saw it and said "you let go." So he put it back. That made me win by Queen and Bishop mate. So I shook his hand and saw the awards and got my award. Finally, said "Bye" and left. I talked with my friend, Timothy on the car. He had 7 candies and I had 6. He got dropped home from the car and I said "Bye" and he did too.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Should Do


The best thing to do is look at the posts from bottom to top. If your reading one of them, you should read all of them in order. Trust me. Sometimes if you read from top to bottom, some people will not know a word and then read what a hard word means somewhere to the bottom. The only hard word is suicide!! I'll add words. Added: Unrated and rated and ratingand chess. You don't have to read bottom to top if you know it.

Chess Games

Chess games

There are two chess games I know. There are Bunkhouse and Suicide chess. But you have to know how to play chess. Either read chess books,  get chess CDs, or look at my websites.
After you know, you can play these chess games. I hope you enjoy or understand everything in stuff that can help you. If you don't, ask me in a comment. I'll answer it.

Bunkhouse: What you need:

  • Two sets of chess boards
  • Two sets of pieces
  • Four people

Bunkhouse: How to play:

Choose a team mate. You two sit by each other. With two people playing with each other and two people on one board and two on the other, whoever takes a piece first gives it to the other person and he or she puts it aside. When it's their turn, they can put it where ever they want. They don't have to use it but they should. Whoever wins first on one of the boards wins the whole game and the other persons game who finishes second doesn't count.

Suicide chess: How to play:

It's suiciding!! Do whatever you want to suicide! But you have to take a piece if you can. Even the king! No saying checks or checkmates. Just take the king if you can. If you take their king you have to take the other pieces too before you lose. If you don't have possible moves ever, it's a win for you if you have less pieces. It's a draw if your both even. It's a lose for you if you have more pieces than the other person.

Invisible Chess: Introduction:

Keep in mind that I made this up. You can change the rules a bit if you want at home. Have fun!

How to play:

You play regular chess but all the pieces start off the board. If you move a piece, you put it on the board where you want to move that piece from the side of the board. If someone makes an illegal move, you could start from the time they move there or just simply start the game over if you or your opponent can't remember the time.


This makes blind chess a lot easier. As you go on with your game, it'll be easier and easier. As soon as all the invisible pieces moved, it's basically regular chess. This is also one step towards blind chess so it's good practice if you can't do blind chess.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Word Games

Word Games

Word Games: Math Game:

There are two Word Games: Math and Other. 

Math Game: What you need:

  • Two pieces of paper
  • Pencil

Math Game: Introduction:


This chart is an example of what you write. The top is: B for Billions, HM for Hundred Millions, TM for Ten Millions, M for Millions, HTH for Hundred Thousands, TTH for Ten Thousands, TH for Thousands, H for Hundreds, T for Tens, and O for ones. These are all Place Values. The bottom empty layer is where the person your playing with says a clue to which number it is that your going to put in the chart. They tell you where to put it and put it in the empty layer where your guessing. But the other layer of numbers on top the empty one is the one you make up. But the example is not the number you put, it is just an example. I put my number that same thing before.

Math Game: Rules:

Draw the chart.  Make up the middle layer.  There has to be one of each number(0-9).  It needs to be a ten digit number.

Math Game: How to play:

Choose who gives a clue first. Give a clue about your number. Then the next person give a clue until every place value has been given a clue like what do Lamb, Lama, and Ladder have in common. Flip it upside down. Put it in the hundreds place in your empty space.  My chart shows the answer in the correct place.  Now check.  See if they're right. They tie if both right or both wrong.  If wrong, right or right, wrong, wrong loses and right wins.

Word Games: Word Game

You need Multi-players. Choose the first person. Then the order. The first person says a good word. The next

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Basketball Games

Basketball Games

All the Basketball games I am writing about are the ones that I know.  Keep playing.

Multi-player is more fun. Keep playing.

Pig, Head, and Horse

How to play: one by one:
They are kind of the same rules. Pick your ball. You do rock, paper, scissors. Whoever wins gets to shoot first. If they make it, the other person has to make it from the same place or else he or she gets a letter. That's called challenging someone. But if it's his or her turn to challenge and they don't make it in any place, they don't get to Challenge and the other person gets to have a chance. You take turns. Like if he or she loses a challenge 3 times on playing pig they lose, 4 on head, and 5 on horse they lose the whole game. Keep playing.

Around The World

How to play: Pick a ball. They are 9 stations in the real one as you see in the picture. You can put tape or cones marking it. But in my back yard, I have a small basketball place. So I do 5. You do Rock, paper, scissors. Whoever wins gets to shoot first. You go in order from 1-9. If one doesn't make it, then it's the other players turn. If they do make it, he or she gets to the next station and gets one try on the next station and keep on doing it until you miss. You could just even win right away(Really hard to do). Keep playing. Keep playing.

Dribble Risk

Need: This needs lots of balls(at least two). But for multi-player(2-5 players), you need: 2 players: At least 3 balls 3 players: At least 4 balls 4 players: At least 5 balls 5 players: At least 6 balls. You can play as many balls or people as you can(the more players and balls the better). You can do: For example: 3 players and 5 balls or 5 players and 8 balls or something(skipping numbers).(remember: the more, the better.). Keep playing.

How to play/rules: Dribble Risk:

Single player: Pick a ball. Then put all the other balls your not using and put them in front of the base of the basketball hoop to make the game harder and more fun(see why later). If you have too much balls you can do two layers to lean on the base or put them at random spots(any spots you want). Start by leaning on a wall close to the court(or at the side if in a gym.). I lean against my house and bounce it hard on the grass until I reach the court. You can start anywhere but I start on the wall of my house and bounce but you can't stand on the court to start. You have to stand on the grass and on your first bounce you can bounce it on the court. But I make it fun by bouncing it on the grass first. If your on a hill or mountain you might not want to do that because it might roll down the hill or mountain and have a person get it for you and throw it without bouncing and you catch it right away or you running all the way down the hill or mountain(more harder and more exercising than other choice). When you start, you get score. You dribble the ball until you get to the other balls. You kick them while your ball survives. Then you get 1 point. If you take a risk by dribbling your ball towards the other balls and hitting them with your ball, you get 3 points. Try to get as many points as possible until your ball is out of bounce or falls in the grass and stops bouncing. You can just keep your hope even in the grass by bouncing it as hard as you can and hoping your going to go back in the court. But if your ball is in the court and it stops bouncing, you can dribble it back but can't carry it. Here's the secret: You punch the ball down on your first bounce then dribble it normally until you get control of the ball for 2 or 3 seconds. That's called reviving. It counts as a try. You have to kick the ball(s) out of the court by out of bounce or in the grass. Then delete the tries you made to make them go in the grass. Risks either make the game end or be useful. Once again, try to get the highest score as possible.  Keep playing.

Dribble Risk: How to use a ball that doesn't bounce well like footballs and balls with no air:

Roll them. Each roll counts as a try. If you roll it hard, it is a risk and you can't revive because you are rolling. If it's out of bounce or goes in the grass, it dies and the game ends. Keep playing.

Dribble Risk: Muti-player

It's the same rules. But if your ball stops bouncing you waste time on reviving. You let the other player(s) get a boost. Risks are bad for multi-player usually. Whoever gets the most points wins. You can knock the other persons ball out or avoid them from attacking you. But if they attack you, they don't focus so you can just get as many points as you can and win. Even if you hit a ball in front of the base with your feet or ball on accident, and the other player(s)see(s) it, it counts as a try. Don't lie if you see them take a risk on accident and they don't see it. If all people die at the same time, they say "All Die" or "All Live". You just add the two points and count it as a try and tell him that you saw it. See which ball is the best and always use that ball and don't tell the other people it's the best. Keep playing.

Knock Out: Regular Knock Out

The more players the better. You need multi-players and at least two balls. For example: If 3 players play, 3 balls are needed. 7 players, 7 balls 5 players, 5 balls.  Keep playing.

Regular Knock Out: How to play:

Everybody do Rock, paper, scissors. Winners go last in order. Losers go first in order. You'll see why. Stand in a line. The first person shoots. If he or she doesn't make it, he keeps on trying and while that happens the next person shoots and if the first person beats the second person still, he or she go last. But if the second person beats the first person, their out. That's why being first is bad and last is good. I say "Yay." when I'm last and "No!" when I'm first. Play until all the players are out except one. That one person is the winner of the whole game. Keep playing.

Knock Out: Knock Out 1:

This is Different than Regular Knock Out. It's the second dribbling games, the numbered Knock Outs and Double Knock Out numbers. You can have any number of balls. But there has to be at least two more balls than people. There can be any type of balls. There can even be footballs and balls with no air inside them! Keep playing.

Knock Out 1: How to play/rules:

Everyone do rock, paper, scissors. Organize them from winners to losers. Winners pick a ball one at a time. Losers pick last. After they pick, everyone go on the court. You all have 1 live. Start dribbling where everyone wants. You can revive only on the court. Whichever ball goes on the grass and stops bouncing or goes out of bounce loses. Whoever has the last ball in the court bouncing wins. They can always attack by pushing their own ball toward the other balls that the other people are controlling but have to let go of their own ball first before they can attack. If they don't follow the rules, they have to put the ball on the court and lets go and has to revive. Everyone watches just in case he or she cheats reviving like by picking up the ball and dribbling it right away. But if they cheat and people are watching, they'll have to revive automatically twice in a row. But if they cheat again with people watching, they have to automatically die and lose. If you fail reviving, you lose 0.5 health. If you suicide(kill yourself on purpose), you lose 0.5 health. If you lose 0.5 and then 0.5 again with any combinations you have 0.1: Lucky automatically. Then the other player can't hold the ball but can push your ball with their hands or attack with their ball. If they lose by suicidng then, they don't lose any thing but they can't do special attacks anymore. If you kill them then, they lose 0.5 and can't use special attacks. If you die or suicide then you lose. If two people die at the same time, they say "All Die" or All Live" just like the other dribbling game: Dribble Risk. Keep playing.

Knock Out: Knock Out 2:

It the same rules except that you can shoot for tiebreaker points. You don't have to say "All Live" or "All Die any more because of tiebreaker points whoever has the most wins if they both Die at the same time. But if it's tied and they both Die at the same time then they say "All Die" or "All Live". Keep playing.

Knock Out: Knock Out 3

It's the same thing except: No tiebreaker points and your finally allowed footballs and balls with no air! Once you start the person chucks it at other balls! It can kill two balls at the same time!But people can survive or dodge it too! That would be almost no use. But in Double Knock Out and Triple Knock out it's more useful.  Keep playing.

Knock Out: Knock Out 4:

This is the same rules but your allowed footballs, balls with no air and tiebreaker points. Keep playing.

Knock Out: Double Knock Out: 

You have to have the number of people Doubled of balls: For example: 2 people, four balls, 3,6 4,8 5,10 etc. Keep playing.

Double Knock Out(upgraded Knock Out numbers):  

This is the same as Knock Out 1 except you use two balls! You do rock, paper, scissors and whoever wins first gets to pick one ball only.  Keep playing.

Then, do it again. If the person that got the first ball wins then he or she gets to pick both balls that he or she wants. Then the other person picks their two balls right away. But if the other person wins then he or she picks a ball. Then do it a third time. Whoever wins gets to pick their other ball and then the other person picks their second ball too. Start. Keep playing.

Double Knock Out 2:

Same rules except you can hold a dribbling ball in your hand. Keep playing. It's my favorite basketball game. Keep playing.

Triple Knock Out:

Same rules except three balls! Isn't that amazing! But you get to keep a ball safe in between your legs. You can't save dribbling balls. You can only have footballs or balls with no air safe. You can't play Triple Knock Out if you don't have two to play.  Keep playing.

Basketball Or Shoot Risk:

You can name it Basketball Risk or Shoot Risk. This is the last game. You have 0 points. You shoot and if you make it, you get 2 points. If you miss, you lose 1 point. The risk is that you can make it up but it's +3 and -2. That's what we do. Try to get as many points as possible using any ball you like. Cash in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, and so on. Or if you want to skip by any number below 100 or something that's okay. You can change somthing on every game and that's fine. Keep playing.

Dribble tag: How to play:

This is just like knock out 2. This time you can use your hands. It's the exact same thing except you can use your hands.






Monday, May 28, 2012

Chicago Chess Tournament

Chess is a game that I will write about first. If you don't know how to do the four move checkmate, you will not understand the last bit of this writing. Search for how to do it. Then go back to the last bit.

On Sunday, May 28th, 2012, my dad and I went to a chess tournament in Chicago. First on Saturday May 27th, 2012, we ate dinner together with my friend Jonathon. We drove to a hotel. I practiced chess with him. I played a game with him. He said I made mistakes but we couldn't remember it. So we played another game while taking notation. We played with fake time too. Before we finished, we took a break. We played not a different type of chess game and didn't finish that either. He decided to sleep early for the 6:00 buffet. We got ready for bed. Then we slept.

The next day was Sunday. It was the day of the first day of the tournament. We ate our left overs from our dinner for breakfast. Next we drove to the tournament in Jonathon's car. We found a place to sit in between rounds. We practiced chess. When our pairings were up for our first round, I saw them and sat at the correct board. I won an unrated guy first. Total I played 5 unrated and 2 rated. I won 2 unrated and 2 rated people.  I won 4 total and 3 unrated which is also total losses. I took notation all rounds and took all of them home at the end. Jonathon asked if I won or lost every round I played. After the first round, my dad and I practiced chess together by playing a chess game.

Then was the second round's pairings. I sat at the correct board. He forced my king out and won. I told Jonathan and my dad every round. Now I played one round with my dad. After that my dad got food for lunch.He gave oatmeal and chocolate milk to me. I opened both of them. I ate them both at the same time. Jonathan and a friend named Leon shared two chicken tenders and a bag of french fries. My dad ate one cup of oatmeal and the rest of the chicken tenders. Then the pairings were up. We sat at the board and I lost because of his queen and rook. I always put the right score on the pairings sheet.

I went back to the chess board and practiced a couple times with my dad and Jonathan. I won Jonathan three times and I won my dad twice. The pairings were up and we sat at the next board. It was our last round for the first day. It was an old man that was 87 years old. He was a bit late for the game. He took a long time before he played his first move. He asked what my name was and asked why the clock started. Then he finally played his first move. I tried doing the Four Move Checkmate, but then it didn't work, so I did the Fried Liver. This time it did work. He moved his queen away and I took his rook. He played very slowly. I won five pawns and then another rook. We even traded off the queens. I was ahead by one bishop too. Right after I took the other rook, he only had a couple minutes left on his clock. Right after I said that, he resigned. The round finally finished. It took a really long time. There were only a couple people left that were playing. I wrote down my score on the pairing sheet, and I went back.We played by my notation, and checked how I won. I did that on a couple rounds before that too. Then it was time to go back to the hotel. We went swimming. After that, I ate some snacks and got ready for bed. Then we went to sleep.

The next day was our second day of the tournament. We went to McDonald's for breakfast and went straight to the tournament. My dad and I were the first ones out of the four families that went there. Then when the other people came, we practiced playing. The next pairings were up and we went to the right board. None of us had a clock that we were also playing with so my dad bought one. Then I won. We practiced again. When the next pairings were up, it was another unrated. Most of the unrateds were hard, so I lost to the unrated. Unrateds means unrated plural and unrated means you didn't play in a tournament or don't have rating which I explained in "My most unluckiest chess tournament ever.We practiced again. Now the next person I was versing was the second rated person I versed, so I won again by the Four Move Checkmate position. Rated means you have something called rating that I explained in "My most unluckiest chess tournament ever." I was happy that I won two rated people twice. We practiced for a long time, then we told Jonathan that if I got any prize, that he would give it to us. Then we left and went home. It was a three hour drive, and on the way, we started to charge the gas. Then we finally arrived home.


This is where I will be writing about Games Are Addicting.